Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Everything must run its course.

Night run, for a change. Yes, I am missing the first quarter for this, but sacrifices have to be made. Waking up at 5 AM, going to bed at eleven or midnight, on my feet for pretty much six hours straight at theater camp, driving back and forth from Berea ... it's exhausting.

By running tonight I can sleep in tomorrow ... until six!

Now that rehearsals for Timon are over, the summer has begun. I can actually see the boy play baseball and spend more time with all of them. Here we go, I hope we stay healthy and happy for the next three months.

Temperature: 70°
Distance: 3.37 miles
Avg Pace: 7.20
Climate: cooler in the dark but very humid

I do not want to have a heart attack. I do not want a massive stroke. I do not want diabetes. I will run every day if I have to. My lungs are healthy, I do not wheeze when I run, I am never out of breath. For this I am grateful. My heart beats with strength, for this I am grateful. My head is clear, mostly, and I try to remember to be grateful on those days on which I remains so.

And I now spend a shameful amount of time staring into my iPhone when I am not running, missing absolutely everything. And this must stop.

Weight: 156 lbs.
From Goal: -4.0

What's On Daddy's iPhone?
Time To Pretend - MGMT

(Thanks to Jim G. for the cartoon.)

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