Friday, December 08, 2023

Got to get you into my life!

People have opinions about this, but the fact is Revolver is The Beatles best album. Produced right when they stopped touring (and as a result no longer had to worry about reproducing their work live) they were able to get really creative, but hadn't yet gotten used to being so fucking "creative."

From my childhood I knew individual songs, but it wasn't until I got a copy of the album in high school that I first heard it the way a teenager (may) have experienced it when it was first released. Can you imagine? There was a certain "Mod" sound you were expecting, like the first rack, Taxman. But then you are hit with an epic composition like Eleanor Rigby ... and that's only the second freaking track. 

It helped that I had started experimenting with weed. The boy says Eleanor Rigby is his favorite Beatles song of all. Mine is Tomorrow Never Knows.

And Don Draper can suck it.

Distance: 3.5 miles
Duration: 32:49
Pace: 9:22

Revolver - The Beatles (1966)
Eleanor Rigby
I'm Only Sleeping
Love You To
Yellow Submarine
She Said She Said
Paperback Writer
And Your Bird Can Sing
For No One
Doctor Robert
Got To Get You Into My Life
Tomorrow Never Knows

Route: 3.5 miles
Temperature: 55°
Climate: overcast & cool
Mood: all right
Was doing very well keeping up in November, but the weather has turned and the holidays have started and I am just so very tired. But hey, it's over fifty today and I have a couple hours to bang together. No excuses.
Stretches: yes
Sit-Ups: tbd
Planks: tbd 
Upper body: tbd
Water: yes

Album includes the greatest love song ever written to weed. Happy Legalization Day (yesterday) to all who celebrate.

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