Sunday, January 17, 2016

I'm watching TV.

The girl at a slumber party, the wife took the boy to wrestling in Mentor. A morning to myself. To catch up on Daredevil, take a run, then write and perhaps organize the attic.

Last night the boy and I started watching Futurama. When it first came out, almost seventeen years ago, I wasn't interested. I watched a few minutes of one episode and thought, meh. How long can this go on? Why do I find it so much more amusing now?

Distance: 3.58 miles
Avg Pace: 8:02
Duration: 28:47
Route: Forest Hills Loop

2000 Playlist
Psyché Rock (Malpaso Mix) - Fatboy Slim
Kill You - Eminem
Saginou - Zulya
Barock - Plastik - Stereolab
Hard To Explain*  - The Strokes
Love Will Tear Us Apart - The Cure
Empty House - AIR

Temperature: 27°
Climate: light snow
Pavement: clear with light snow

The boy and I made dinner together last night, and we compared the Futurama Theme by Christopher Tyng to Psyché Rock - the Fatboy Slim version. I was of the understanding that Tyng was inspired to create his based on this track, which is only partially correct.

The original Psyché Rock is a piece of electronic psychedelia from 1967 by the French composer Pierre Henry. Got to love that French electronic music.

Weight: 162.5 lbs.(-0.5)
Mood: good!

Woke with a headache. Headed out with a headache. Headache gone!

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