Sunday, January 09, 2022


For those of you just joining us, each year, beginning with my first run of the year, I run to a playlist from each year of my life. That includes in utero, I was born in 1968. But 1967 is a pretty boss year for music.

I've been doing this since 2007. It began as a way to get out into the cold. A motivation, if you will. What will this year bring? It puts me in that space and time, and that is a great way to keep moving forward.

I used to try and see how fast I could get through all the playlists, but that doesn't concern me as much anymore. Last year I finished in June, and that was all right by me. 

Ladies and gentlemen, we begin. 56 Playlists for 56 Years (1967-2022).

2021 Playlist
The Overload - Yard Act
Chaise Longue - Wet Leg
Can't Let Go - Robert Plant & Alsion Krauss
Silk Chiffon - MUNA ft. Phoebe Bridgers
brutal - Olivia Rodriguez
Security - Amyl & the Sniffers
The Gathering - Frank Turner
FREEDOM - Jon Batiste
Monday - The Regrettes
Be Sweet - Japanese Breakfast

Pretty incredible year for upbeat music, by all accounts. I'm pleased with it. Note, none of these songs were on my 2021 list from last June. Cool, right? Yeah, these things are important to me.

Distance: 3.1 miles
Duration: 28:53
Pace: 9:18
Route: Forest Hill Loop
Temperature: 36°
Climate: overcast, breezy & damp
Mood: all right
2022 Baseline Weight: 179 lbs. 

Gear: rain jacket, long pants, winter hat, gloves

Smart choice, the long pants. It's above freezing, but the wind would have been painful. I felt good! Haven't run in well over a week, so I have a reserve, let's see if I can keep this up. It's supposed to get cold ... but who knows?

Breakfast: oatmeal, nuts & dried fruit, cream, butter & brown sugar, coffee (2x)
Snack: Doritos, beer
Dinner: TBA

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