Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Horizon Two Mile Loop

Image result for coronavirus devoWe are in self-quarantine. Regardless, there is nowhere to go. The gym is closed, everything is closed. There is a pandemic. Who knew I would write these words? But here we are. The Coronavirus Pandemic of 2020.

We are well, I think. The wife shows cold symptoms. I was exhausted one week ago, spent the day home from work. It concerned me. I was not in any kind of pain or discomfort. Just weary. The next day I was fine.
Sunday I woke with pain in my neck and shoulders. No symptoms but muscle pain -- which can be a symptom My arms were sore last Thursday and Friday but, duh, I'd been doing weight machines on Wednesday. No other symptoms now, just soreness in my neck. That happens to me when I am under stress. It's not unusual. Is it?

The boy has asked me to run for weeks, but it is he who cannot, because he pulled a muscle in his chest. But today we run.

Distance: 2.3 miles
Duration: 24:32
Pace: 10:39
Route: Horizon Loop
Temperature: 42°
Climate: overcast & cool
Mood: good

He's gotten so much stronger, so much endurance. He wants to do good work. My ankle barked with pain after about a quarter mile, but I walked through it and kept going and it subsided. I do not trust this ankle.

We ran in pace, my son and I. It is a blessing.

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