Saturday, June 29, 2019

The air outside will make our cells divide at an alarming rate.

Several days of indulgence, including buckets of popcorn and fried items. There's a great deal of green produce in our house (thank you, City Fresh and Community Greenhouse Partners) but not enough fresh fruit.

Just last night I made Parmesan rigate with greens and seared lemony boy choy which was wildly appreciated at the table, but during the day I need to be able to grab an apple and I keep forgetting to prepare for that. Or a peach. Anything. I eat handfuls of nuts. Lots of handfuls of nuts.

Distance: 3 miles
Duration: 26:23
Pace: 8:47
Route: Forest Hill Loop
Temperature: 71°
Climate: overcast & very humid
Mood: coming together
Stretches: yes
Water: not enough

Last night, a freak and brief torrential downpour. Another expected in about an hour. This is the new normal, devastating heat and wild rain and wind.

This morning I rose at six, as I am compelled to, but there is a different between rising because an alarm tells you to and doing so because your body say enough. I could have slept more. Perhaps later I will.

Nice run, though. The lower bpm made me feel as though I was going slower than I would otherwise choose to, but I am still breaking a nine minute mile.

The girl and I are making plans to run Bay Village on Thursday. I know, I said I never would again, but that was alone.

155 - 164 BPM Playlist
Hello City - Barenaked Ladies
You're Beautiful - James Blunt
Numb - Portishead
I Don't Want To Fall In Love - She Wants Revenge
Mexican Radio  - Wall of Voodoo
Don't Box Me In - Stewart Copeland ft. Stan Ridgway
We Will Become Silhouettes - The Postal Service

Stanard Ridgway two-fer!

Baseline: 179.5 lbs.
Today: 166.5 lbs. (-2.0)
Goal: 165 lbs.

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