Thursday, October 19, 2023

All my senses rise.

Crazy. The wife has been out of town since Tuesday, barely two days. And yet, it's so strange. It's strange being alone. I do not care for it. It's okay. It gives me no joy, not for a moment. It never has.

Distance: 3.1 miles
Duration: 26:36
Pace: 8:35

Man. I wrote a sad little scene this morning. But is it trite? Is it maudlin? Can't know until I read it in context ... whenever I figure out what that is.

Route: Forest Hill Loop
Temperature: 49°
Climate: overcast & cool
Mood: good

Got to stop thinking, "It takes five minutes to get my kit on and step out the door." It takes fifteen minutes, sometimes twenty. Okay? Fifteen to twenty. Budget that time.
Stretches: yes
Sit-Ups: tbd
Planks: tbd 
Upper body: tbd
Water: yes

Diet: No greasy food today. You've eaten a lot of that shit this week, and you'll probably have more this weekend. It affects your mouth, only vigilant oral hygiene has kept you from sores.  Fruits and vegetables, that's it.

160-169 BPM Playlist
Moving On - BTS
Gangsta's Paradise - Coolio ft. L.V.
Everywhere I Go - The Call
Foundations - Kate Nash
The Adults Are Talking - The Strokes
You Better You Bet - The Who

Breakfast: coffee w/cream, fresh fruit w/granola  yogurt
Lunch: chili cheese burritos, Pepsi
Dinner: pasta & roasted vegetables
Alcohol? yes, I think.

Haw haw haw.

Baseline: 195 lbs.
Current: 173 lbs. (-1.0)
Goal: 165 lbs.

Writing: yes

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