Sunday, September 15, 2024

I can’t stop pushing it.

Spotted on my run through East Cleveland.
Well. I am having a physical discomfort. In the past, I have felt tremors or pulses in my back, for example. These are not painful, only, you know, Weird. Unfamiliar. And recurrent so that you may think there were something wrong. Not a sudden pangs, but a pulse, if you will.

Right now I am feeling my literal pulse, the buzzing, as opposed to throbbing because it is not that strong, of the push of blood through my body, and I a feeling it in a very specific place and it is not pleasurable. It is also not painful. It is distracting. It is bothersome. I do not like it.

And I wonder. Why? But not enough to ask a doctor about it.

Anyway, I need to run. It's the weekend. Running must happen. 

Distance: 4 miles
Duration: 39:33
Pace: 9:53

Route: Forest Hill Loop
Temperature: 83°
Climate: sunny & bright
Mood: yes
Stretches: yes
Water: yes
Pain Reliever: TBD

Upper body: 30 reps.
Core Strength: 

Breakfast: coffee w/cream, fresh fruit w/granola & yogurt
Lunch: ramen w/veggies & egg, Nosferatu
Dinner: PB&J sand, milk

What's That Lyric?
Tenderness - General Public

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