Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Dawn escapes from moon-washed college halls.

So far, I have been doing a lot of housework, and chores on behalf of others. I need to get my personal writing into my daily schedule.

Today is the first day of school … but not in this house.

Distance: 3.1 miles
Duration: 28:51
Pace: 9:18
Route: Forest Hill Loop
Temperature: 65°
Climate: overcast & cool
Mood: good

I hope to be inetentional about my time. Just because I have it doesn't mean I use it well. There is houseowrk, to be sure. But in addition to work work, that can take a good part of my evening. Tonight, the wife is engaged and so I plan to have a date with myself, to get organized artistically. To write.
Stretches: yes
Sit-Ups: 20
Planks: 90 sec.
Upper body: tbd
Water: yes

My thigh has been bothering me, nothing strange nor unusual, just a pull in the quad, the sartorius muscle, at least that's where it seems to be. That long, narrow muscle that crosses the thigh. It is irritating throughout the day. 

This is, I believe, the result of hours of driving the past several weeks. It was a problem I endured a great deal when I drove a stick.

Breakfast: coffee w/cream, fresh banana, strawberry, blueberry, raspberry, blackberry w/granola & yogurt
Coffee Break: latte
Lunch: pizza (1 slice), watermelon, cookies (2x)
Happy Hour: Cherry Coke Zero
Dinner: turkey sandwich, orzo salad
Alcohol? Knowledge Imperial IPA
TV Time: popcorn

Baseline: 195 lbs.
Current: 171 lbs. (-1.0)
Goal: 165 lbs.

Writing: 1 hour

What's That Lyric?
Kayleigh - Marillion

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