Thursday, February 01, 2018

Like a dark horse see how she ran.

Active dreams. One playwright slagging another playwright. A family reunion. Weird, playful. My kid's friends delivering the mail. The wife has made an effort to get us something close to eight hours of sleep, which is great, it's what we need. However, I am not used to it, and wake up several times a night. Did I oversleep? No, I did not. It's only three.

1972 Playlist
Superfly - Curtis Mayfield
I Wanna Be With You - The Raspberries
Virginia Plain - Roxy Music
Reelin' In The Years - Steely Dan
Gudybuy T'Jane - Slade
Watcher of the Skies - Genesis

Doing my best to pack sensible lunches and not to shove food in my face when I get home from work. Yes, a handful of almonds, yesterday some off-brand Cheez-its -- but not many, right? The day before it was popcorn. This is slow-going, but I have to be mindful.

And no sugar. Well, except birthday cake, I had one piece of birthday cake on my daughter's birthday. One slice, small. And none of the leftover.

Distance: 2.55 miles
Route: Neighborhood Run
Temperature: 39°
Climate: cool, pleasant
Pavement: slushy, crispy,  & slippery
Mood: anxious

Is fifteen year-old Tinactin inert? Doctors say just don't but really, expiration dates are just a scam of Big Pharma. "Lather, rinse, repeat," my ass.

Stretches: yes

Baseline: 178 lbs.
Today: 176 lbs. (-0-)
Goal: 175 lbs.

Slow and steady. Don't blow this.

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