Wednesday, February 07, 2018

I'm slowing down. What can I do?

The tour is on the road, though there's also a lot of snow on the road. I hope we do not have any cancellations, it's hard enough dealing with the actor-teachers and their school closing than having to reschedule a performance.

Every day, another challenge. Good morning.

1981 Playlist
Never Say Never - Romeo Void
One Step Ahead - SPlit Enz
Talk To Ya Later - The Tubes
Computerlove - Kraftwerk
White Knuckles - Elvis Costello & the Attractions

Distance: 2.1 miles
Route: Neighborhood Run
Temperature: 20°
Climate: cold
Pavement: rich & slippery with newly fallen snow
Mood: determined

Someone angel plowed the Monticello sidewalks. Thanks for that. Still, hard going in the snow. Hard going, but strong. Going up inclines I walk, though, because when my foot slips it hurts.

Stretches: yes

Baseline: 178 lbs.
Today: 174.5 lbs. (-0.5)
New Goal: 170 lbs.

The Caesar salad at XYZ is decent, and a go-to when I am trying to avoid the dreaded fried sandwich. Sometimes I add chicken, last night I added the "smoked" tofu. Fake smoke flavor is kind of gross.

Anyway, these are days of restraint. It makes me dizzy and not feel good, and that's not right, either.

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