Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Six rings and I rise.*

It me.
Mornings are cold. The big snow has not arrived yet, but it will, and a deep freeze, that's coming, too. I keep misplacing things, a hat here, my gloves there. Hate cold hands.

As I exercise, I need to remember to stand up straight. There is a desire to collapse, to pull my chin down, against the cold. But even indoors, in the hallways, walking down corridors, I need to keep my legs straight, not walk in such an S-curve. When I am an old man I want to keep my back as straight as possible.

Distance: 1.75 miles
Pace: 9:02
Route: Neighborhood Loop
Temperature: 24°
Climate: cool
Pavement: patchy ice, mostly clear
Mood: all right
Exercises: yes

There has definitely been an exchange here, between my mania for running and my rising every morning, since the summer to free-write for thirty minutes. Rising at five (weekdays) also means I am tired before anyone else in the house, and as a result I have begun to go to bed earlier. Night runs are not very convenient.

But I should visit the gym more often.

Baseline: 179.5 lbs.
Today: 178 lbs. (+2.0)
Goal: 175 lbs.

Brief, cold neighborhood trot. Now, some exercises, to keep that blood flowing to all the right places.

1968 Playlist
Magic Carpet Ride - Bedlam
The Memphis Train - Rufus Thomas
I Say A Little Prayer - Aretha Franklin
Daydream Believer - The Monkees
Folsom Prison Blues (Live at Folsom Prison) - Johnny Cash

*Five rings, actually.

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