Thursday, August 08, 2024

One summer never ends.

Kind of surprised I chose to run five miles on Tuesday, considering recent back issues, and that I was generally feeling weak and uninspired. Prince helped however, as I pushed on, taking odd turns so that the album would end close to home, I was tripping a little bit. The Artist can do that to a person.

Distance: 1 mile
Duration: 9:17

Now. A one mile run is a thing, too. You mustn't feel like it's nothing, it's a lot. Some folks can't even do that. Just suit up, choose your daylist (thinking about the music can take up a lot of time) and hit the road.

But also, treat it like a long run. You don't stretch any less, remember to drink water, and for heaven's sake, do not rush. Trying to run too fast, thinking it will be over faster that way, is a sure way to hurt your back (leaning forward) and your shins.

It's simple. Stretch, relax, run. One mile. Then a rest tomorrow. This is a plan. You can run three miles on Saturday!    

Route: Neighborhood Loop
Temperature: 74°
Climate: overcast & humid
Mood: anxious?
Stretches: yes
Water: yes
Pain Reliever: yes

Core Strength:
   Plank: 90 sec. 

Baseline: 185 lbs.
Weight: 174 lbs. (-1.0)
Goal: 170 lbs.

Breakfast: coffee w/cream, fresh fruit w/yogurt & granola
Lunch: ramen w/carrot & egg
Dinner: TBA

What's That Lyric?
Suddenly Last Summer - The Motels

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