Friday, August 16, 2024

You get so dizzy even walking in a straight line.

The boy has returned to school. We are on our own again. Summer has drawn, in its way, to a close. Still plenty of summer lovin' fun to be done.

This week has been arduous, however. The move was exhausting, surprisingly so, and took an extra day. I had a near migraine event on Monday night, which was held at bay not only by late night ibuprofen, but also Dramamine. I'm thinking that is a missing ingredient, one which not only quelled by impending nausea, but also knocked me out.

But I have also had the runs, since last week. I have no explanation for this, except perhaps for some kind of bug? Lack of yogurt consumption? Really, I forget how I have been enjoying yogurt for breakfast for the past year or so. I think going a couple days off messes with my system.

Let's see what happens now that we are home and having a regular breakfast diet.

Distance: .1 miles
Duration: 29:31
Pace: 9:31

So, anyway, I am off my game. Last weekend was punishing, and I am still in recovery, and trying not to worry too much about it. But it would be nice to, you know, get back to exercising. 

Route: Forest Hill Loop
Temperature: 80°
Climate: partly cloudy & humid
Mood: enervated
Stretches: yes
Water: yes
Pain Reliever: tbd

So, where did this come from? Why did I make this, twelve years ago? Some sort of opportunity, or application. Anyway, it holds up. And it is inspirational -- to me. Cool!

What's That Lyric?
Canary In a Coalmine - The Police

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