Thursday, June 27, 2019

Timepiece (two)

We had a nice little get-together to celebrate out anniversary last night, and I got to bed around midnight ... which is not helpful when you need to get up at six for a four mile.

And yet, these days I am waking naturally at ten to six, every day, like clockwork. It's the time, it's the light, it's the heat. It's the encroaching old man in me.

Distance: 5 miles
Duration: 46:15
Pace: 9:14
Route: Forest Hill Loop
Temperature: 68°→70°
Climate: humid!
Mood: all right
Stretches: yes
Water: yes

Oof, so glad tomorrow is a day off. Chris says he's lifting tomorrow, but I will sleep, or try to. It was a lovely party last night, I had three beers, which is one over my limit, but I cut myself off several hours before bed, drinking a lot of water, which was good.

Then there was the food. Drink, eat, repeat.

We have amazing friends. I love my house, my neighborhood. I love my wife, and my children. Whatever else comes to pass, however else I am feeling, I know these things to be true. And that helps.

Podrunner: Timepiece (160 bpm)

WE DID IT! You did it! We hit my personal $2,000 TEAM CHALLENGE goal for the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation, and now I am officially headed for Chicago!

Many thanks to all who contributed, we made it with months to spare!

If you haven't yet and would still like to kick something in, please hit the TEAM CHALLENGE button at top right. Every little bit helps!

Baseline: 179.5 lbs.
Today: 168.5 lbs. (+2.5)
Goal: 165 lbs.

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