Saturday, June 08, 2019

Please help me through the crowd.

Running around on my "day off." Putting things out for the neighborhood yard sale (which we apparently didn't tell anyone we were having, oops) getting the boy to band practice with the women head off to Parade the Circle. Also, a trip to the tore to get necessaries.

Then, a run! A quick run, very quick. Goodness, "Autobahn." Where would the future be without you?

Distance: 3.25 miles
Duration: 27:46
Pace: 8:32
Route: Forest Hill Loop
Temperature: 76°
Climate: sunny & hot!
Mood: good
Stretches: yes

1974 Playlist
Skin Tight - Ohio Players
Promised Land - Elvis Presley
Killer Queen - Queen
The Wall Street Shuffle - 10cc
Lilywhite Lilith* - Gensis
Autobahn * - Kraftwerk
Kung Fu Fighting - Carl DOuglas
Jackie Blue - Ozark Mountain Bluedevils

Baseline: 179.5 lbs.
Today: 168.5 lbs. (-1.5)
New Goal: 165 lbs.

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