Monday, June 17, 2019

why dont you run from me

Father's Day, I got decadent. A cheeseburger and chips for lunch, with a Coke. For dinner, an annual celebration at the Melting Pot ... it began as a celebration of the children's great work over the previous school year some five years ago, now it is a tradition. Why fondue? A Groupon. And yet, sure, why not, stale bread with melted cheese. Totally worth it.

So, that was an exception. Let us remember to make wise diet decisions.

And now, ladies and gentlemen ... 56 Playlists for 56 Years (1964-2019)

2019 Playlist
Can't Knock the Hustle - Weezer
Take On Me * - Weezer
Juice - Lizzo
seconds (electric lady sessions) - LCD Soundsystem
bury a friend - Billie Eilish
Funny Business - Alison Merton
Tempo - Lizzo ft. Missy Elliott
This Time It's Different - Heart Bones

There we go. Doesn't usually take me until June to have this many runs, if it's going to take half a year, perhaps I should abandon this tradition and just create playlists on Spotify, or go back to using Podrunner.

No idea what Podrunner sounds like in the late 10s, perhaps I should find out. I think my iPod is retired.

Distance: 3 miles
Duration: 25:32
Pace: 8:30
Route: Forest Hill Loop
Temperature: 60°
Climate: overcast & cool
Mood: all right
Stretches: yes
Water: yes

Good run, brisk and exciting. Killer geese, a distressed heron and one plucky deer.

Three mile runs, all week. I should find an alternate route, to pick things up. I, too, need tempo.

Baseline: 179.5 lbs.
Today: 167.5 lbs. (+1.0)
Goal: 165 lbs.

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