Saturday, November 18, 2023

I could not run fast enough to flee them.

The purge continues. I'm talking household items, not anything gross or violent. The November Purge in which we search for things we do not need and either donate or trash them.

Holidays coming. Must make room.

Distance: 3.25 miles
Duration: 31:46
Pace: 9:46

We're at that strange time of year when I have no idea what I want to listen to, and that makes it challenging for me to get out onto the road. That and the temperature. But it is a bright and sunny day.

Route: Forest Hill Loop
Temperature: 45°
Climate: sunny & cool
Mood: good
Yeah, felt good. Not great, but good. Beautiful day, kink in my ankle and in my knee. Wishing for spring again.
Stretches: yes
Upper body: 20 reps
Water: yes

Breakfast: coffee w/cream, homemade pastry w/egg, sausage & cheese
Lunch: fresh fruit w/granola & yogurt
Snack: cinnamon toast
Dinner: cocktail, cheese board
Movie: popcorn, beer

What's That Lyric?
An Arrow In the Wall - Death Cab for Cutie

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