Monday, June 12, 2023

I want to go out but I want to stay home.

I handle vertigo by ignoring it, then taking a run. That's how I deal now. Every morning I'm a little woozy, I go for a run, I forget I had vertigo. Obviously, this is a minor case. No idea how that works, but there it is.

Distance: 1 mile
Duration: 9:47
Pace: 9:46
Route: one time around the block
Temperature: 60°
Climate: rain
Mood: all right

Recently napping. Naps were a big deal during the pandemic. And that was fine. Now, however, I believe I nap because I am bored, not because I’m tired. What I need to do, especially on a long Sunday, is to refocus. To look at my to do list. Also? Reading is nice.
Stretches: yes
Abdominals: 90 sec.
Upper body: tbd
Water: yes

What if I get up early every morning this week, write, drink coffee, and take a short run?

Breakfast: coffee w/cream, two fried eggs over toast w/marmalade
Lunch: sunbutter & jelly sandwich, carrot sticks & applesauce
Happy Hour: fizzy cola bottle gummys, beer
Dinner: popcorn, beer
Alcohol: yes

Baseline: 195 lbs.
Current: 176 lbs. (+1.0) 
Goal: 170 lbs.

What's That Lyric?
Nobody Really Cares If You Don't Go to the Party - Courtney Barnett

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