Saturday, September 02, 2023

Say a prayer for the ones we love.

For those who happily follow the Greedy Peasant, you know it's CEMTEMBER! Took a run through Lakeview Cemetery, my first in four years.

I searched for the John Hay memorial, my personal favorite, but it was not easy to spot because it is currently hidden by a large, untended hedge. What is up with that?

Distance: 5 miles
Duration: 46:22
Pace: 9:16
Route: Lakeview Loop
Temperature: 75°→78°
Climate: sunny & warm
Mood: good!
Stretches: yes
Water: yes
Ibuprofen: yes

Runners, yes! Cyclists, no.
There has been some controvery recently, about whether or not it is appropriate to run through a cemetery. And I think it comes down to the individual park. If they do not want you to run (or bicycle, or walk your pet) through the graveuard, then by all means don't.

I am grateful that Lakeview has made it clear that runners (though not bikes) are welcome. It is a challenging route, with all the hills, but the views are worth it. 

But please, trim that bush.

Pre-Run: coffee w/cream, banana 
Lunch: fresh fruit w/granola & yogurt
Happy Hour: iced coffee, watermelon
Snack: almonds & dried cranberries 
Dinner: popcorn
Alcohol? GLBC Oktoberfest

Baseline: 195 lbs.
Current: 170 lbs. (-1.0)
Goal: 165 lbs.

Writing: part of one scene

What's That Lyric?
Say Goodbye - Green Day

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