Friday, September 01, 2023

Give me two strong arms to protect myself.

We made it to the end of the first week of rehearsal. The mornings are cool, and quiet -- and calm. Waking early means I can take my time, I am not as affected by dizzyness, because I am moving easily. And peacefully. Taking care of morning business, checking the boxes. And then sitting and writing. No anxiety. No urgency. No worry, no care.

Is this interesting? I do not care.

Sleep last night wasn't bad, but I dropped a melatonin so I'm not as bright this morning as I might be. But I slept, or at least I slept until 4:30 am. I always wake up twenty minutes or thereabouts before my alarm.

I hope I can sleep in a little tomorrow, and without a headache. That would be an awesome close to my week.

Distance: 3.1 miles
Duration: 28:29
Pace: 9:11
Route: Forest Hill Loop (path cleared!)
Temperature: 55°
Climate: cool
Mood: yes
Ooh! Surprised myself! Strong, swift, happy run this morning. See? Things are very good, too.
Stretches: yes
Bicycles: 20
Sit-Ups: 20
Planks: 90 sec. 
Water: yes

Breakfast: coffee w/cream, fresh fuit w/granola & yogurt 
Coffee Break: coffee w/cream, chocolate cupcake ... and the last of the danish.
Lunch: Hot Tito slice, spicy ranch dunk
Snack: Snickers
Alcohol? 2x Happy hour Guinness + dinner Manhattan

Baseline: 195 lbs.
Current: 171 lbs. (-0-)
Goal: 165 lbs.

Reading: The New Yorker (30 min.)
Writing: research (how to make toothpaste)

What's That Lyric?
Right By Your Side (172 bpm) - Eurythmics 

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