Thursday, September 21, 2023

Let's all get baked like Anita.

We made it, or almost have. The rehearsal period, waking up every week day morning at five am or earlier, to write. Every day, for over a month, I have resumed the practice. And what happened? I started writing a new play.

And I ran everyday, or most days, until this week when I had to get out by six. But I kept going. It's hard, to maintain the diet, to continue the exercises -- the exercises have fallen away, I need to pick those up again. But I run. I run. I fantastize about running.

And running must be a pleasure, not a chore. I am feeling sore, a bit out of the spirit. How do I maintain without hurting myself? It's a challenge. It's a challenge.

Distance: 3.1 miles
Duration: 29:49
Pace: 9:37
Route: Forst Hill Loop
Temperature: 75°
Climate: sunny & humid
Mood: good

Heading out was good, sunlight is so helpful. Coming back I felt a bit weighted. Keep going. 
Stretches: yes
Water: yes

Breakfast: coffee w/cream, fresh fruit w/granola & yogurt
Lunch: parfait, lemon bread, apple, coffee w/creamer
Treat: chocolate muffin
Pre-run Snack: Almonds & dried cranberries
Dinner: steak, potatoes, beans, duck pastry, fizzy water
Alcohol? no, but

Baseline: 195 lbs.
Current: 171 lbs. (-0-)
Goal: 165 lbs.

Reading: Corley, E.
Writing: 30 min.

What's That Lyric?
A Roller Skating Jam named "Saturdays" - De La Soul

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