Thursday, September 07, 2023

Some people stop at nothing.

Thursday of a four-day week. Yes, we got eight hours of rest last night, good rest, without assistance. And this AM we woke a little later (5:30 AM) and had a briefer than usual writing period. Because we need to type up the script. And the mosquitos.

Also, a shorter run is in order. To keep going. To not hurt myself.

Distance: 1 mile
Duration: 9:30
Route: Haselton Loop 
Temperature: 69°
Climate: cool but humid
Mood: good

Hey! This day gets worse and worse. Maintain. Focus.
Stretches: yes
Sit-Ups: 20
Water: yes? I think?

Breakfast: coffee w/cream, fresh fruit w/granola & yogurt
Treat" "fruit snacks"
Lunch: fruit smoothie bowl w/PB & chocolate granola & nutella
Dinner: beanie weenies, slaw, tortilla
Dessert: ice cream, two cookies

Baseline: 195 lbs.
Current: 172 lbs. (+1.0)
Goal: 165 lbs.

How about no candy bars? How about that?

Writing: 10 min.
Blog: "needle drop"

A little sophisti-pop this morning.

What's That Lyric?
Breakout - Swing Out Sister

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