Friday, June 07, 2024

All those in favor take a big step.

Last night we attended to opening of Malleable Rigidities at Loganberry Books, an exhibit featuring works by the eldest and their colleagues from O.U., by all accounts a great success. The exhibit will be featured in the Annex at Loganberry until July 2.

Distance: 3.1 miles
Duration: 30:43
Pace: 9:54

Trying to maintain the restraint I exhibited on our journey, hard to gauge how much we ate at Zhug following the event, but isn't that always the case? Small plates, big dreams. We must be home.

Route: Forest Hill Loop
Temperature: 66°
Climate: clear skies & breezy
Mood: nice
Stretches: yes
Water: yes

Light, easy run. Feeling good. Invited offspring to join, did not hear back. Maybe tomorrow.

Upper body: TBA
Core Strength: TBA

Baseline: 185 lbs.
Weight: 175 lbs. (-0-)
Goal: 170 lbs.

Breakfast coffee w/cream, smoothie bowl w/fresh fruit, choc PB granola, Nutella
Lunch: coffee w/creamer
Happy Hour: Edmund Fitzgerald, tortilla chips, fizzy water
Dinner: ramen w/salmon & peas
Nightcap: red wine

What’s that Lyric?
Change in Speak - De La Soul

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