Thursday, June 25, 2020

I want to run and hide right now.

Late night with friends on the deck. Late morning, but a beautiful one. For those who follow this blog (and I am not sure anyone does, and that is all right, too) I have chosen not to spend time composing entries, just logging the run. Especially when it is brief and unremarkable, like a couple laps around the block.

And this is a shame, because this blog has become quite a document of my life, and that of my wife and children. I was able to pinpoint the year when my wife lost her glasses in the ocean because I had written about it here. Details get lost when they are not recorded.

Still. It takes time, and I would rather run than fret having to write about it.

Distance: 3.1 miles
Duration: 29:55
Pace: 9:38
Route: Forest Hill Loop
Temperature: 72°
Climate: sunny & warm
Mood: good
Weight: 185 lbs. (-0-)

Glorious day.

What's That Lyric?
Ship of Fools - World Party

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