Monday, July 22, 2024

Flood's Cove: Run Two

Yesterday was a short run, and easy. I can justify two days back to back. The boy/young man has taken a pass so I will head all the way to the end of Martin Point Road and back, a healthy four miles on a beautiful July morning, made all the more hopeful by recent events on the political landscape.

Can we do this? We must do this. Only now I believe we actually may.

Distance: 3.5 miles
Duration: 32:26

Yesterday was just lovely, the wife and I were on our own for a bit. To shop for groceries, but also to have lunch and talk and love and buy farm stand produce and cannabis.

My brother and his family arrive from Britain (via California) this afternoon, and we shall have a full house, indeed.  

Route: Martin Point Run
Temperature: 72°
Climate: sunny w/light clouds, perfect
Mood: good
Stretches: yes
Water: yes
Pain Reliever: TBA

Gorgeous day. projected high of seventy-four degrees. It's breezy and nice, and I think I may sit on the porch and read until my family arrives.

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