Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Life can always start up anew.

I am! (Am I?)
When you write a little every day, it can add up. I have something like a short play on my hands. No idea what to do with it. But there it is.

Running is the same way.

2007 Playlist
Boyz - M.I.A.
Breakin' Up - Rilo Kiley
Time to Pretend - MGMT
The Boys - Dragonette

Music from this time period is a serious influence on my next foray into the direction of Shakespeare. And that's all I have to say right now about that.

Distance: 1.7 miles
Route: Two times around the block.
Temperature: 42°
Climate: overcast & cool
Pavement: wet, puddles
Mood: all right

Chris and I were talking yesterday about what comes next. A marathon? Maybe a half marathon. Something to work toward. Meantime, in spite of my concerns about global climate change, I would love the paths to be clear for a short while longer.

I promised him it wouldn't snow.

Stretches: yes

Baseline: 178 lbs.
Today: 178.5 lbs. (-1.5)
Goal: 175 lbs.

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