Sunday, August 08, 2021

Figures up ahead moving in the trees.

Evening run. Morning run? Yes, why not. Last night I was in bed by eleven. And instead of waking in the middle of the night, I slept for maybe eight hours without moving. Then I slept another two hours.

I love running in this park.
Vacation is at an end. I will chat with my brothers at noon, a colleague at one. Then I will begin to work. But not yet. No, not yet.

Distance: 3.1 miles
Duration: 31:25
Pace: 10:08
Route: Forest Hill Loop
Temperature: 75°
Climate: sunny & hot
Mood: good
Weight: 170 lbs. Achievement Unlocked

My eyes are sore this morning. Not a headache. Just weary eyes. I am weary these days.

Breakfast: coffee (2x)
Lunch: Pumpkin Spice (yes) Mini Wheats, banana, strawberry, milk
Snack: Four sensible pieces of cheese, with four crackers.
Dinner: big ass salad, foccia bread w/dressing, beer
Also: Fizzy water (2x)

Nice run. Took it easy, not much energy, but also no tired. Good decision. Thank you, Summer of 2021. That was all right.

What's That Lyric?
These Dreams - Heart

I might die in my bed. I may live to be very old. But I have died many times in my mind, run over by a car, attacked by an animal, having a heart attack, or stuck by a falling tree limb. These fears keep me on my toes, though I know "being alert" won't actually help.

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