Tuesday, September 22, 2015

With my mind she runs.

Dog In A Bathtub
This is how this happens. For three weeks we have been rehearsing the residency program, and there has been a lot of sugar and fat in the rehearsal room, and I have been eating it. My weight has not increased, but that is not the point. My sugar intake, that which I had been so carefully keeping, has spiked. I have gone from complete control, to more casual, to complete lack of control.

Yesterday was a our first day in schools. Not including meals, here are the items I consumed that are heavy in sugar:
One large coffee with flavored creamer, one large coffee cake muffin, one frosting topped mini-cupcake, a McFlurry (Oreo & ice cream), two small eclairs, three cookies.
Yes, a McFlurry. I stopped at MacDonald's after work for a treat. A treat. As if I were the one who had been on my feet teaching all day instead of sitting and watching people teach all day. And I still felt entitled to dessert twice after that.

So. We have had our fun. This morning, without a run first, I weighed 160 lbs. I should weight at least that much, but the weight should consist of better things.

Today, I was good.

Distance: 3 miles
Duration: 23:30
Avg Pace: 7:49
Route: Boulevard Loop

Been writing lately. Expanding on a piece I began last year. Taken me long-forgotten places, like that dream I had this summer. Today I had to visit a school on the near west side, GPS took me down a side street I had been down in nearly thirty years, one I describe in this new work. That was odd in its timeliness.

Temperature: 64
Climate: cool and humid
Weight: 159 lbs.
Intake: tater soup, with bread and butter
Hydration: yes
Water Stop: no
Stretches: no

What's That Lyric?
Golden Brown - The Stranglers

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