Sunday, July 16, 2023

I will be your daddy.

Thank God for George Michael, and especially for the single "I Want Your Sex" which was first released on the soundtrack to Beverly Hills Cop II in May 1987.

It's not the best rack on his first, upcoming solo record, Faith. But is was a quirky, frenetic, deconstructed bop which enraged a lot of silly people. I got the "extended CD single" that summer and wore that fucker out.

Distance: 5 miles
Duration: 51:49
Pace: 10:21
Route: Forest Hill Loop +
Temperature: 73°
Climate: overcast & muggy
Mood: all right

Over my high school years I had developed a terrible case of acne on my chest, back and shoulders. At the end of 1986 I was single again and miserable, I thought I'd never date again. The year 1987 started with my first one-night stand, which was completely humiliating.

However, I was soon prescribed Accutane. My skin cleared up, and with it a degree of physical self-confidence that no man deserves, and for a short time, I became a player. George Michael wrote my songs. Well, George and Robert Smith.

Maybe I will try running to some Cure albums next. 

Faith - George Michael (1987)
Father Figure
I Want Your Sex Pts. 1 & 2
Hard Day (Shep Pettibone Remix)
Hand To Mouth
Look at Your Hands
Monkey (Jam & Lewis Remix)
Kissing a Fool
A Last Request (I Want Your Sex Pt. 3)
Difficult week, physically. Big run Tuesday, but that seemed to exacerbate the injury. Refraining from running was an emotional drain. The weather didn't help, the rain and damp. Still, been reading. Working. Watching movies. Summer time.
Stretches: yes
Water: yes

Not horrible, slow pace, felt the pull the entire time. Also, occasional new twitches in my left knee. What's that all about? Will pound ibuprofen, hope for the best.

Breakfast: coffee w/cream, fresh strawberry, blueberry, cherry, dried cranberry & raisin, yogurt, granola, honey & sunflower seeds
Zoom Time: iced coffee
Lunch: ramen w/roasted chicken
Dinner: popcorn
Alcohol? Boss Dog

Baseline: 195 lbs.
Current: 170 lbs. (-0-)
Goal: 165 lbs.

Reading: 30 min.

Man, but that last track is problematic.

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