Friday, May 10, 2024

You take my breath away.

Body by Perrier
Exercise is mental. I mean, it's physical, but it's also mental. And requires planning. But not as much time as I think it does. Last night I thought oh, I didn't do abdominals. Do I need to do abdominals? That's how it starts. But I got up and did them. It didn't take very long. And then they were done.

Keep it going.

Distance: 1 mile
Duration: 9:03

1986 Playlist
Don't Forget Me (When I'm Gone) - Glass Tiger ft. Ryan Adams  
Seven Day Weekend - Elvis Costello & the Attractions ft. Jimmy Cliff
Don't Leave Me Behind - Everything But the Girl

It's funny my graduation cohort has two songs pleading for you not to forget about us. Three if you want to count that EBG track.

Route: Neighborhood Loop
Temperature: 51°
Climate: sunny & cool
Mood: good!
Stretches: yes
Water: yes

Motivating a one mile is tough. Like, is it worth it? And then I'm like, don't be a dick, some folks can't even run one mile, what's your excuse? 

The day begins with energy.

Upper body: 60 rep
Core Strength: 
   Sit-Ups: 40
   Bicycles: 40
   Planks: 60 sec.

Jesus. I just remembered that it was on this date in 1986 that I first got laid. Why does my brain work like this?

Baseline: 185 lbs.
Weight: 179 lbs. (-1.0)
Goal: 175 lbs.

Breakfast: coffee w/cream, fresh fruit, granola  yogurt
Lunch: roast beef sandwich, chips, ginger ale
Happy Hour: Bumble Berry
Rehearsal Treat: Twizzlers
Dinner: ramen w/scallion & veggie sausage
Cocktail Hour: Midwest IPA

See? Record your meals.

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