Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Shame on you.

Day Seven at Sea:
Last full day on the ship. We will enjoy this.

Distance: 1 mile
Duration: 11 minutes
Temperature: 64°

I could have gone further, but we have plans to do all the things today, and I cannot safely run in expectation. 

Running in circles in the middle of the ocean, if the deck were clear I would have enjoyed the view more, as it was it was far more pleasurable than running on place, watching a video of foreign lands.

45:33 - LCD Soundsystem

This track should be called 46:04. I need to run this entire composition some day.*

Breakfast: coffee w/cream, scrambled egg w/salmon over buttered bagel, orange juice
Coffee Break: latte (quite strong, a nice change)
Lunch: chicken & gammon pie, Cunard Red, also mixed veg.
High Tea: tea w/milk & sugar, cucumber sand, salmon & cheese sand, carrot cake, scone w/clotted cream & jam
Happy Hour: Dirty martini
Dinner: roaster red pepper salad, pork wellington, selection of cheese & crackers
Evening Cocktail: Dirty martini
Shakespeare Trivia: hot chocolate

*Of course. "45:33" was commissioned by Nike as part of their Nike+ Original Run series, way back in 2006. I should have realized this.

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