Friday, March 03, 2023

Do you want to take a break?

Say what you want about Spotify. The fact is, that is how folks received and consume music, certainly the young people. And if its' not on Spotify, you can't hear it. And because of copyright issues, De La Soul's first six albums have been unavailable for streaming.

My son has all my De La Soul CDs. I still have the cassettes and vinyl in the attic. We hear tracks on The Current. Otherwise they are absent, or they have been. Until today.

I can't tell you how important De La was in my young adulthood. I'm going to listen the shit out of these records.

Distance: 3.75 miles
Duration: 40:23
Pace: 10:46
Route: Forest Hill Loop
Temperature: 39°
Climate: overcast & cool
Pavement: dry
Mood: driven

1991 Playlist - or - "De La Soul Is Dead" by De La Soul
Oodles of O's
Talkin' Bout Hey Love
Pease Porridge
A Roller Skating Jam Named "Saturdays"
Bitties in the BK Lounge
My Brother's a Basehead
Let, Let Me In
Afro Connections at a Hi 5 (In the Eyes of the Hoodlum)
Ring Ring Ring (Ha Ha Hey)
Pass the Plugs

For Dave.

What was 1991? The year I received my BFA, got my first job in arts education. The summer we spent on Coventry. Moving into the larger Cleveland theater community. Got engaged for the first time. And this album was released on May 14, when I was still in Los Angeles.
Stretches: yes
Abdominals: 90 sec. 
Water: yes

It is true. When you pull back from eating whenever you want to, your imagination always drifts back to food. For someone as well fed as I, that's kind of shameful.

Breakfast: coffee w/almond cream, raisin bran w/banana, strawberry & soy
Coffee Break: coffee w/almond milk, apple slices
Lunch: salad w/roasted sweet potato, tomatoes, fake bacon, balsamic vinaigrette
Headache Remedy: Cherry Coke Zero
Dinner: Mac & Cheese 1 C., cauliflower "wings" & sauce

The sun makes such a difference. Same temperature, but I had to walk a little, I wore long pants (I have been in shorts) and gloves. It may snow, but it will also remain mild the next several days. Winter weather is important, right now I am glad I can build up endurance in mild temps.

Baseline: 195 lbs.
Current: 192.5 lbs. (-0.5)
Goal: 190 lbs.

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